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Lamplighter Theatre

Lamplighter Theatre

Lamplighter Theatre

About Lamplighter Theatre

It’s hard to find an entertaining experience the whole family can enjoy that is both captivating and character building. We know how you feel. You deserve an experience you can trust—an experience that makes a difference, now and for eternity.

For more than 10 years we’ve produced life-transforming audio dramas adapted from rare literary treasures that are founded on biblical truth. Each story is brought to life by the talent of world-class actors from productions such as Lord of the Rings, Downton Abbey, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Adventures in Odyssey, and many more. Lamplighter Theatre is just what you’ve been looking for!

​My name is Finnian Jones. Allow me to invite you along on a journey of unexpected opportunities, exploration, and inspiration…to a place where anything might happen! Please note the sign to your left….”No eating, drinking, or small thinking beyond this point.”

Are you perplexed by a puzzling predicament, muddled by the mysteries of the mundane, confused at a crossroad of convictions, or wearied by the weight of the world? Then, my friend, I have just the prescription for you. Step with me into the pages of times long past, yet not so very far away. There are some people you need to meet: true heroes who faced adversity with courage, overcame obstacles through faith, grew stronger through suffering, and hoped against hope to receive what was promised. They will show you that you can live by the same hope…a hope that never disappoints.