Weekdays Noon to 3pm on TruthWeekday Mornings 5a-9a on Truth 104Check out The Ramsey Show weekdays from 6-9 PM Previous Next Verse of the DayHe that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.Proverbs 21:21 (King James Version)Hear Audio | Read Full ChapterPowered by BibleGateway. Current Weather 57°Cloudy Humidity: 96% Dew Point: 56°Wind: N 0 mph Visibility: 10 miPressure: 1016 mbConditions as of 11:30pmTonight L: 42° 91% Friday H: 57° 12% Friday Night L: 46° 39% Saturday H: 68° 66% Saturday Night L: 47° 94%